In the fast-paced world of retail and restaurant work, the holiday season intensifies the strain on employees and managers alike due to constantly changing schedules and unusual hours. Recognizing the detrimental impact of work-related stress on productivity and wellbeing, it becomes crucial for employers to provide support and resources that empower their workforce, especially during these demanding times.

CuraLinc Healthcare reviewed fourth-quarter (Q4) EAP utilization data from over 760,000 employees in the retail and restaurant industry from 42 different clients to understand how the holiday season impacts workers in these industries.

Top presenting concerns among retail/restaurant employees

  1. Stress

  2. Anxiety

  3. Depression

  4. Financial (3x higher for retail and restaurant than CuraLinc’s book of business average – 8.7% vs 2.9%)

  5. Relationship

Program and case utilization trends for retail/restaurant employees

  • In Q4, employees in the retail and restaurant industry are 68% more likely to reach out for in-the-moment clinical support than CuraLinc’s book of business average for all industries

  • In Q4, the use of text therapy by employees in the retail and restaurant industry is nearly 30% higher (29.8%) than the book of business average for all industries

Critical incident response

The frequency of critical incidents for retail clients was nearly 10% higher during the fourth quarter. The top incidents include:

  • Violence in or around the workplace

  • Robbery

  • Workplace trauma (i.e. aggressive or disruptive customers, threats)

Solutions for retail and restaurant employers

CuraLinc provides flexible plan design options and specialty resources that are tailored to the rapidly changing work environment commonly found with retail and restaurant employers. In addition to helping employees deal with stress and maintain work-life balance, CuraLinc also provides consultation to assist retailers and restaurant chains with designing internal policies and programs that support employee wellbeing.

Beyond the features and resources found in the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) model for clients in all industries, CuraLinc’s programs for retail and restaurant clients offer additional focal points that improve engagement, emotional fitness and productivity.  

Creative communication plan From custom home mailers to rotating videos before and after hours to direct email and text campaigns to employees, CuraLinc has the creativity and flexibility necessary to engage retail and restaurant employees.  

Same-day crisis response CuraLinc sends clinical resources within a matter of hours to address critical events such as a robbery, workplace violence or employee death.

Resources for first-time managers CuraLinc’s management consultants are experts at helping first-time managers address challenging employee situations.  

MSK support The disability and chronic pain driven by many musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions may underlie the development of a variety of mental health concerns, such as depression or anxiety. Conversely, many symptoms of mental health disorders can exacerbate the symptoms of an MSK disorder. CuraLinc offers a variety of EAP-driven tactics and service elements designed to facilitate holistic care for participants with comorbid MSK and mental health disorders.

EAP technology suite Retail and restaurant employees can chat live with licensed clinicians, schedule video counseling and connect with the program through the digital behavioral health platform.

Common stressors

  • Extended or irregular shifts

  • Loss of sleep and family time (especially during the holidays)

  • Increased risk of injury (slips, falls, lifting)

  • Lack of control over the work environment

  • Dealing with challenging customers

  • Crowd management and violence

Retail and restaurant outcomes

In 2022, the International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP) published a study that measured the health and productivity of over 33,000 employees who used the EAP over the previous four years. CuraLinc's program had a positive and measurable impact on users from the retail and restaurant sector.

  • 90% of retail/restaurant employees with depression recovered after EAP treatment to no longer be at-risk.

  • Only 10% of participants with depression were in a high-risk range after using the EAP, compared to 69% prior to participating in the program

  • At the start of counseling, 80% of retail/restaurant employees who presented with alcohol use as a primary or secondary concern were initially classified as risky drinkers or at a more severe level of alcohol misuse, but after counseling, only 30% of cases were at-risk.

  • After EAP treatment, 70% of retail/restaurant employees were no longer at risk for alcohol misuse.

  • The average time missed from work due to the employee’s presenting concern dropped from 10.7 hours during the initial assessment to 2.8 hours after using the program.

  • 48% of retail/restaurant employees had zero absences during the month before starting counseling, rising to 92% after completing treatment.

  • 38% of participants had a work productivity problem prior to using the EAP, dropping to 9% after treatment.

  • 80% of retail/restaurant employees recovered to no longer have a work productivity problem after using the program.

For more information, or to review the entire study, visit

Click here to request an EAP proposal for a retail or restaurant employer.