Teaching, at any level, is a rewarding (and demanding) career. With long hours and a heavy workload, it’s common for educators to struggle with work-life balance. According to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 46% of teachers report high daily stress during the school year – a level that is among the highest rates across all occupational groups. Without the proper support, many high-achieving, dedicated teachers begin to neglect their own self-care, which may negatively impact their mental health and physical wellbeing. These and other factors place educators at an elevated risk for burnout, which can contribute to a variety of negative consequences, including:
Poor performance
Increased absenteeism
Higher educational costs
Lower student achievement
Physical health concerns
Higher turnover
Common stressors
Classroom size and management
Deadlines (grading, publishing, grant applications, etc.)
Lack of planning time
Budget cuts
Focus on testing
Changing standards
Dealing with parents and/or disruptive students
Perceived lack of support
High workload/second job
Specialized resources and support for education industry employers and employees
Beyond the features and resources found in the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) model for clients in all industries, CuraLinc provides elementary, secondary and post-secondary education clients tailored resources and flexible plan design options that help teachers manage stress, build resilience and maintain work-life balance.
Professional development CuraLinc offers training tailored for educators of all levels on a variety of topics including Preventing Burnout, Stress Management, Building Resilience and Mindfulness. Training can be delivered in-person or via CuraLinc’s proprietary LMS.
Teacher toolkit CuraLinc’s Care Advocates, all of whom are licensed mental health clinicians, are armed with a comprehensive set of resources to help teachers manage their classroom and their emotional and financial wellbeing.
Same-day crisis response CuraLinc sends clinical resources within a matter of hours to support faculty and staff impacted by critical events in schools and on campuses, such as a teacher or student death, accident or a school shooting.
EAP platform Educators and administrators can chat live with licensed mental health clinicians, schedule counseling sessions and address stress, depression and anxiety through the program’s digital behavioral health platform.
Financial wellbeing CuraLinc will help the client’s Credit Union and/or 401(k) provider steer employees to the financial consultation resources available within the EAP. In addition, CuraLinc’s work-life specialists can help educators locate opportunities for grants and awards.
Creative communication plan From custom mailers to direct email and text campaigns to tailored flyers for back-to-school and in-service sessions, CuraLinc has the creativity and flexibility to engage teachers and educators at all levels.
Resources for educators CuraLinc’s licensed clinicians and Certified Employee Assistance Professionals (CEAPs) are experts at helping teachers cope with challenges in the classroom - and guiding them to the most appropriate resources.
Education client outcomes
The International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP) published a peer-reviewed study based on the health and productivity outcomes of 8,020 CuraLinc EAP participants from 217 different employers in the education industry. The results highlight the positive impact of CuraLinc’s mental health counseling and coaching services for employees in this industry.
88% were no longer at risk for depression
79% were no longer at risk for anxiety
74% were no longer at risk for alcohol misuse
86% no longer had a productivity problem
38 hours of restored productive time per month on average after treatment
For more information, or to review the entire study, visit EAPOutcomes.com.