10 Ways to Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month in the Workplace

May is Mental Health Awareness Month – a time to shed light on the challenges faced by millions of Americans living with mental health conditions.

Did you know?

  • 1 in 5 Americans experience a mental health concern annually

  • 92% said it is very (52%) or somewhat (40%) important for them to work for an organization that provides support for employee mental health

  • Hearing about colleagues’ struggles can normalize access to mental health support at work and increase uptake of an existing peer-to-peer support mental health program by as much as 8%

These numbers tell us people are struggling, but they want to talk about it. And the great news is that employers can help start the conversation!

Mental Health Awareness Month is the perfect time to shine a spotlight on the importance of mental health and wellbeing and to remind your employees that personalized support is available. Take this opportunity to spread awareness and promote all the workplace mental health benefits your company has to offer.

Here are 10 ways to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month in your organization.

1. Host a lunch n’ learn or webinar on a mental health topic

There are several mental health topics to focus on – from stress management and mindfulness to maintaining work-life balance. Consider your employees and work environment when deciding which topics you’d like to discuss and whether the event should be held in person, online or both. You can choose one topic or plan a different topic for each week of the month.

Once you’ve determined the topics, hire a professional or coordinate with your workplace mental health provider to gather the information and materials needed. Work with your speaker to make the session interactive and engaging. Encouraging participation will help employees remember what they learned. And don’t forget to share how your benefits team and EAP can help support employees experiencing mental health challenges!

2. Use CuraLinc’s 1 in 5 campaign resources to encourage conversation

Visit https://www.1in5.info/ to access tip sheets, infographics, conversation starters, a self-assessment and more. Use these resources to help start the conversation about Mental Health Awareness Month and the importance of mental health and wellbeing. You can also find printable campaign materials in both English and Spanish. Download and print these materials to place in areas with a lot of employee traffic. Show your support for employee mental health by sharing these resources on company social media pages and share photos of any events your company has to recognize Mental Health Awareness Month. Be sure to use hashtags like #SupportNotStigma and #1in5 to amplify your message.

3. Schedule physical activities

Shake up your regular workday and host a physical activity to promote mental health and wellbeing. Activities like physical exercise, meditation and mindfulness have been shown to reduce stress and boost self-esteem. Consider bringing in a trained coach or practitioner to help lead these activities. Here are a few events you can schedule, including a few that can easily be held online.

  • A guided meditation

  • A guided mindfulness session

  • An all-levels yoga class

  • An all-levels fitness class

  • Scheduled walking breaks or walking meetings

Remember, don’t just put these activities on the company calendar. Make sure your employees know you’re celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month. Take the opportunity to promote your mental health and wellness benefits and to encourage them to take advantage of counseling, coaching or any digital self-care tools and resources available to them.

4. Take time to get creative

Did you know engaging in creative activities can boost mental health? It’s easy to get caught up in work – especially during stressful times – but flexing your creativity muscles can help relieve stress and anxiety. Schedule a few creative activities for employees to choose from. Here are some ideas to help you get started.

  • Pull out the paints and let employees put their talents to work. Whether you host an organized painting class or just let employees take a break to create in a designated area, they’re sure to appreciate it.

  • Set up a spot for employees to assemble small puzzles or the next Lego masterpiece. Encourage them to work together and create something fun.

  • Adult coloring books have soared in popularity over the years. Order some coloring books or print off single sheets and designate a coloring spot in your office. Purchase crayons, markers or colored pencils as well.

  • Host a creative writing workshop to encourage employees to step away from their usual work and use a different part of their brain for a while. Thinking creatively can be fun – and productive!

Do you have a dispersed workforce? You might consider mailing items to different office locations or employees' homes. You can also schedule events like creative writing workshops online in advance. Remember, do what works best for your employees!

5. Host quizzes and contests

Work with your company’s internal communications team to help promote Mental Health Awareness Month and your workplace mental health benefits. Remember, talking about mental health helps reduce the stigma around it. Create a post, page or internal newsletter article with information on your mental health benefits and how to access them. To encourage discussion around mental health, consider including information on how to start the conversation using CuraLinc’s 1 in 5 campaign resources.

Then, create a short multiple-choice quiz that employees can answer using the information in your post, page or article. Make it more fun and engaging by entering each person who completes the quiz into a prize drawing. Consider offering gifts that promote self-care and relaxation, such as a weighted blanket, noise-canceling headphones or a gift card for a massage. Need a few more ideas? Try a goodie basket filled with aromatherapy items, a coloring book, a journal and more. You know your employees best, so try to choose meaningful prizes that encourage participation and help promote overall wellbeing.

6. Host a mental health and wellness fair

If you have more time and resources, reserve a day to host a mental health and wellness fair. Get local vendors on top of promoting your workplace mental health program. Consider inviting your local massage school to offer neck massages or your local yoga studio to offer short yoga classes. Set up various tables, including one to hand out information on your workplace mental health program. Encourage participation with games and prizes. If you have a remote workforce, consider hosting an online fair with a day full of speaker sessions and activities that allow employees to view as they please.

7. Set up a relaxation room

Set up a relaxation room for employees to use throughout the month. This should be a designated quiet area – not a regular breakroom full of noise and chatter. The room may include soft lighting, yoga mats or soft pillows, plants or a calming noise machine. Depending on the space you have available, you may consider setting up an online scheduler for people to reserve the room. And if it’s a hit among employees, consider making it a regular office offering. Don’t forget to leave information about your workplace mental health program in the room. Not everyone is comfortable asking for help, but proactively providing information helps stop the stigma and remind employees of the many resources available to them.

8. Start a team for your local NAMIWalk

The National Alliance on Mental Illness holds NAMIWalks across the country, many during the month of May. Review the upcoming event calendar to see if one is happening near you, then sign up and create a company team. Participating in events like these show employees that mental health is a company priority. Participating in a NAMIWalk is also a great way to include employees’ friends and family members, which can help build stronger relationships among your employees. As you promote the event across your company, make sure your messaging includes information about your workplace mental health benefits and how to access them.

9. Offer training for leaders

Mental Health Awareness Month is a wonderful time to check in with managers and supervisors and ensure they know about mental health resources available to them and their team members. It’s also a great time to offer training on how they can best support employees who may be struggling. Host a session to review how your workplace mental health program can help leaders confidently discuss mental health and your company’s mental health benefits.

If you offer resources like CuraLinc’s Supervisor Connect, be sure they know how to access the program. Do you have programs to assist managers and supervisors with referring employees to your EAP? Or support during critical incidents, such as workplace violence or the loss of an employee? While managers and supervisors may learn about these programs during onboarding, reminding them of all the resources available can help them feel more confident and informed when they or their teams face mental health challenges.

10. Host recess

That’s right – recess – just like you had in elementary school. Designate a place to play, whether that’s a large conference room, a grassy area outside or a part of the company parking lot. Purchase items like hula hoops, sidewalk chalk, kites and cornhole sets. This is a great event to host for a few hours around lunch so people can push their internal reset button and get some fresh air. You can take it a step further and invite local food trucks. Either way, your employees will appreciate the opportunity to get outside and relieve some stress.

Prioritizing employee mental health makes a difference

Which idea(s) will you choose? No matter how you choose to celebrate or where your employees are located, Mental Health Awareness Month presents the perfect opportunity to encourage conversations about mental health and wellbeing, reduce the stigma and remind employees that support is available to them. Take the time to make it engaging and meaningful, and let your employees know their mental health is a priority.

Looking for more resources?

Check out our monthly webinar and podcast, Coffee with CuraLinc.