CuraLinc Healthcare

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Resilience in the Face of a Pandemic

Employees are facing anxiety and uncertainty as they cope with the ongoing impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Their lives are changing by the minute while they plan for uncertain times – and many find themselves isolated socially from family, friends and coworkers. It’s normal to feel anxious, afraid or even angry when faced with the unknown. How employees cope, react and respond to this crisis depends on their ability to be resilient

Resilience. What does it mean and how does it pertain to employees during these trying times? Being resilient means withstanding or recovering quickly from difficulties. Resilience is the ability to overcome life’s challenges while becoming a more personally powerful individual. It is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or stress. It’s about “bouncing back” from the difficult experiences we all encounter from time to time

When we think about resiliency and mental health, our ability to be resilient plays a key role in our response to stressful situations. Resilience is ordinary, not extraordinary – and it can be learned and strengthened. All of us have the innate ability to grow from the stress and difficulties we face in our lives – and to improve how we approach life’s most challenging situations. Although some people may be more naturally resilient than others, our capacity as humans to build resilience is something that we all share.

When employees experience a stressful situation, their work can begin to suffer. They may have trouble focusing, remaining on task and being a “team player”. A lack of resilience can result in increased absenteeism, health problems and performance issues. Fortunately, an employee assistance program (or EAP) can help employees build their resiliency and help them remain productive and healthy while facing stress and uncertainty. 

CuraLinc’s Resiliency Toolkit, which is included within the EAP model for every client, teaches employees that resilience is about being adaptable, flexible and discovering the strengths they possess within. The toolkit provides a variety of practical tools and resources to help individuals boost their own personal resilience – including self-assessments, tips, training and inspiration. Employees can explore the Resiliency Toolkit by visiting or by searching for resiliency resources on the EAP web platform.

If employees find themselves struggling or needing more help, CuraLinc also offers a variety of remote and digital access channels that can help them cope with common problems like stress, anxiety, depression and isolation – all while practicing social distancing from the safety and privacy of their own home. In addition to around-the-clock access to licensed mental health clinicians for in-the-moment telephonic support, CuraLinc’s programs also include distance (video and telephonic) counseling, Textcoach™ (text therapy) and digital behavioral health.

From Aimee Wilczynski, LCPC, LMHC, CEAP, Clinical Director, CuraLinc Healthcare